BLUE JAYS +125 over Tampa Bay ________ Rays 1ST 5INN ONLY------Pitching matchup is at least equal if not favorable to Blue Jays. Cecil is coming off consecutive wins against the Yankees and Red Sox with impressive run support of 16 and 6 runs in those games(Lose 5-2........3-run error by Aaron Hill, eh? bwaa, Hitler dont like being called a Jew? What about the chromosome?)
OAKLAND(Cahill) +105 over Yankees(Moseley) 1ST 5INN ONLY-----Cahill getting respect from linemakers. Although A's are on a 4-2 run, I'll just play him for the 1st 5.(Lose 11-4.........Hmmmm, when does Cahill ever get rocked like this? Was that Bill O'Reilly sitting with Donald Trump I saw in the crowd?)