Sunday, February 17, 2013

ILLINOIS STATE REDBIRDS -2.5 over Wichita State Shockers-----Redbirds have the home revenge and the +offense..........Look at the SE Missouri St Redhawks----a 22pt beatdown win yesterday while Juvonte Reddic had a 24pt season-hi for VCU.  A  33pt win for the Arkansas State RedWolves....well,  Red beat Blue in the Maryland-Duke game and then today.......a 'more-Red' Wisconsin destroyed a 'less-Red' Ohio State.(Lose 68-67.....One of the worst losses in history;  10pt lead with 4minutes left BLOWN by Illinois State.   7pt lead with 36 seconds left BLOWN by Illinois State............flying karate-kick by Jackie Carmichael of Illinois State with 1minute left BLOWS the game.........Jackie Carmichael of Manhattan, Kansas----cursed be the name-----shoots a season-low 25% yet STILL the Redbirds can win easily with 1minute left before Carmichael spears Tekele Cotton with his Jackie Chan kick to the chest.   The information was perfect;  this game should have won and Kansas is about to take some serious damage from a meteor-strike.   But can anyone think of a better target for a meteor-strike than NORMAL, ILLINOIS?   I cannot believe this shit.)

ILLINOIS -3 over Northwestern-----Fighting Illini DO have the revenge....and the +offense.....and are on a 4-1 ATS run.   NW is at home with a slight +ATS but........their L to Nebraska looks weak.  I'll go with the Orange.(Win 62-41)


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