Saturday, August 22, 2015

LA DODGERS(Greinke) -122 over Houston Astros(Kazmir)------You don't need too much of an excuse to bet Greinke this year at this kind of price.   This game is at Houston.  Dodgers..........not bad vs lhps.   Scott Kazmir's former team got revenge on him last start(Tampa) we'll see if this is good or not ........
(Police said Scott Leader, 38, told them it was OK to assault the man because he was Hispanic and homeless.
“Donald Trump was right, all these illegals need to be deported,” he allegedly told the police.)(Lose 3-1........I bet on one of THE BEST pitchers in baseball on one of the BEST teams............and I lose to Scott Kazmir whose team got ONLY 3 HITS FOR HIM and no walks.   Guess its time to clean up the streets----if you SEE something or someone who looks illegal,  then SAY something because Scott Leader's actions have just been endorsed;  these illegals have to go.   There MUST be pogroms on illegals.   I bet against this with THE BEST pitcher on one of the BEST teams...........and I lost.  If the Obama administration doesn't get its act together soon,  its pogrom-time.   Illegals are a plague on this country:
(Als ich einmal so durch die innere Stadt strich, stieß
ich plötzlich auf eine Erscheinung in langem Kaftan mit
schwarzen Locken.
Ist dies auch ein Jude? war mein erster Gedanke.
So sahen sie freilich in Linz nicht aus. Ich beobachtete
den Mann verstohlen und vorsichtig, allein je länger ich
in dieses fremde Gesicht starrte und forschend Zug um Zug
prüfte, um so mehr wandelte sich in meinem Gehirn die
erste Frage zu einer anderen Frage:
Ist dies auch ein Deutscher? )............)

MIAMI MARLINS(Nicolino) -125 over Philadelphia Phillies(Harang)----Obviously,  the Phillies disgraced BCLI 2 days ago,  so we have the Personal Revenge against the team.  They do have a few guys like Ruf who have hit lhps this year.   But Harang............rarely does anything by get rocked and,  with AJ Pollock coming off his 2nd 4-5 day after yesterday,  I'll go with the double-O, L with Nicolino.(Lose 4-2.........With 2 Phillies out in the 8th inning,  Miami was winning 2-0.  Then,  in his 3rd MLB at-bat,  Darnell Sweeney hit an HR.  AJ Ramos gave up 2ER and 3H to lose the game for Miami.   Absolutely sick that the Marlins could destroy Jerome Williams----with my money on him---and also get ONLY 3 FUCKING HITS in this game(and 5BB).   Nicolino did fine;  but Marlins were dominated by Harang.)

WHITE SOX(Rodon) over Mariners(Nuno) parlayed with PIRATES(Cole) over Giants(Leake) parlayed with INDIANS(Salazar) over Yankees(Severino) (+570)------Pirates have that Korean,  who should be strong with that war about to start..........Can you believe the Giants just snatched Leake up like that?  Rodon's walked 1 every 2 inning this year.  Not good, but we'll take him.  Should have taken Indians yesterday.(Lose 6-2............When does Salazar get rocked like this?  4ER in 4inn........when's the last time that happened?)

TEXAS RANGERS(Gallardo) -118 over Detroit Tigers(Wolf)-----Randy Wolf.   Hmm.  Hasn't been around for a while.   I guess the Tigers think Texas can't hit Lhps.   Ok,  Choo has hit .187 vs lhps.  Fielder is weaker,  at .264 vs lhps.  Hamilton has hit .229 vs lhps.   There's some truth to that.   But Wolf hasn't held opposing batters below .300 for some time and Tigers...............have lost for me,  seemingly so many times this year,  haven't they?  (Win 5-3)


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