Tuesday, September 26, 2006

5-0 BCLI SWEEPS! ! !

A legendary, phenomenal and incendiary day and yes, here at BCLI, it still smells of sulfur. BCLI-haters are incensed, but BCLI is hotter. Gotta get some sleep after that gargantuan beat-down of my market makers and i may not get back to post plays but im probably gonna take at least Snell and Jennings and maybe KC. I'll add up my numbers later.

Colorado +104(BCLI line Col -150)over LAD----Rockies 139 runs over last 3-4 weeks versus Dodgers 79. Colorado just too hot offensively to ignore. Jennings gave up 5 ER in 6 innings vs LAD last time so he'll be going for revenge

Pitt +135(BCLI line +105) over Houston-----pitt has been the 2nd weakest team offensively in baseball over the last 4 weeks but they do hit .290 vs lhp's. altho Houston has been winning, they've only scored about 80 runs(vs pitt's 69) over the last 4 weeks and they've only outscored Pitt by 31 runs over the entire year. Pettitte is perenially overvalued(he's about 300th on the list of most profitable pitchers) while Snell is quite good this year, being effective vs rhb's.

KC +340(BCLI line +250) over Minn-----Twins have clinched so they dont need it. Santana is great but are Perez and the Royals offense really that bad? price is too attractive, i have to take a little of this

Lines: Phi -173(BCLI line -180)
Hou -134(BCLI line -115)
Fla -185(BCLI line -178)
Atl -150(BCLI line -138)
Mil -113(BCLI line -114)
Stl -168(BCLI line -191)
Col +113(BCLI line Col -160)
Az -123(BCLI line -123)
Cleve -140(BCLI line -110)
Det -205(BCLI line -169)
Bos -200(BCLI line -213)
Nyy -220(BCLI line -236)
Minn -350(BCLI line -270)
Sea +134(BCLI line tx -116)
Tex +135(BCLI line TX -112)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

0-3 living legend

4:40 AM  

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