Sunday, August 27, 2006


Recap of Saturday:
BCLI plays fall to 11-12 -1.85units as 40-year-old piece of shit Mike Timlin ruins a fine David Wells 7inning performance and the Reds fail AGAIN to hit when this time they really should have.
BCLI line hypothetical plays on all games rose a bit to 22-29 -11.62units

Analysis: The Red Sox are done. Fucking idiots. You're 5 games out of the're looking at a win.....LET PAPELBON PITCH SIX FUCKING OUTS. Total idiocy. well, they'd got knocked out in post-season play with Lester and Wells anyway. who cares. But Cincinatti, they have the pitching to get to the series.....and apparently they've decided to.....stop hitting. Fine. Griffey doesnt deserve it anyway; he's got absolutely no will to win. Keep hitting .253 and be a LOSER. I never even realized Royce Clayton was in that lineup. psshhhh. Forget them.


* KC vs Toronto UNDER 10(-115)------Look, if you cant beat Runelvys Hernandez, you should quit. Jays offense just withering away on the vine. Jays got blanked by Loaiza(thats bad) and just barely beat the lhp Halsey. They are NOT hitting like they did. Lilly will redeem himself after his 2 consecutive bad starts and I vowed to play Perez this start due to his surprisingly good results last time. I feel good about this one.

Oakland +100(BCLI line Oak +129) -------Haren's gotta redeem himself for getting slaughtered by Toronto las start and Oakland has to get revenge against Padilla for shutting them down last meeting. Texas offense simply not hitting recently when they SHOULD have hit. They're weakening.

CWS -140 (BCLI line -172) over Minnesota------Silva did ok vs CWS last time, but considering the fact that he is one of the most hittable pitchers in baseball, I'd expect the white sox to rip into him this time. He got rocked last start, but he wont redeem himself for trying because he's not a good pitcher. Buehrle was rocked by the Twins last time he faced them and I think he WILL redeem because he's a decent pitcher(tho not as good as last year)

SF -127(BCLI line -138) over SF and UNDER 9(-130)-------Lohse may do well(SF cant hit anyway) as he has been pitching out of his mind since joining the Reds. But you cant, at this point, expect the Reds to hit Cain, a good pitcher so far. I hate the Reds and I hope Cain has some offspeed to make Griffey look like a fool.

Balitmore -160(BCLI line -185) over Tampa bay--------Loewen out to avenge the rocking he took at the hands of Tampa last meeting. He has become a pretty good pitcher. Howell has done nothing.

Lines: Fla -111(BCLI line -134) vs Mil
Atl -175(BCLI line -175) vs Wash
Mets -135(BCLI line -155) vs Phil-----almost bet Mets here. Maine's gotta be more than 15 cents better than Moyer
Pitt +101(BCLI line Pitt -122) vs Houston
Stl -165(BCLI line -165) vs Cubs
SD -113(BCLI line -126) vs Col
AZ +104(BCLI line AZ -112) vs LAD
Cleve +105(BCLI line cleve -132) vs Det
Tor -180(BCLI line -172) vs KC
LAA -112(BCLI line -121) vs NYY
Boston -105(BCLI line -139) vs Seattle


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