Saturday, April 18, 2015

OAKLAND A's(Hahn) +120 over Kansas City Royals(Ventura)----Royals are 8-2 while Ventura got HUGE run support his first 2 starts.  Can that continue?   Well,  I'll take Oakland.(Win 5-0.........Reddick 2-4 HR)

ARIZONA DIAMONDBACKS(De La Rosa) +127 over San Francisco Giants(Heston)----SF rocked De La Rosa last start but didn't win the game;  Arizona has the revenge against Heston.  Heston could be good----he's only allowed 1ER this year in 13 innings.(Lose 4-1)

COLORADO ROCKIES(Lyles) +178 over La Dodgers(Greinke)----While Adrian Gonzalez is hitting .550---thus the big price---both teams are 7-3,  Britt McHenry,  like Greinke,  is from Florida so.........why don't we rock him?(Lose 6-3.....5 walks by Lyles,  but in fact he did fine on April 23rd; hmmm)

MARLINS(Latos) +130 over Mets(DeGrom)------Mets doing much better than Marlins so far,  but DeGrom went to Stetson.   Stetson,  the alma mater of perhaps the most odious college degree holder ever to have been hired by a Media Corporation:  Britt McHenry.   With the continuing growth of economic inequality arising from the increasing QE and fusion of alignments and objectives between governments and Goldman Sachs,  together with the epidemic of American-Sniperish assaults at point-blank range by American police upon black males of the lower socio-economic stratum,  it would be a dangerous precedent in social-darwinistic ideology,  and appeasement thereof,  to not vigorously oppose and repudiate the supremacist conceits and anti-unterfrauen hostilities promoted by Stetson University and all of its ilk.   With the Marlins starting Latos,  who went to plebeian Broward CC,  the polarities are clear in opposition to the noxious elitism of Stetson:  DeGrom must be annihilated in this game.(Lose 5-4........DeGrom 7  6  0  0  8  but he gets rocked by the Yankees on 4/24.........Dee Gordon was 5-5 for Marlins but.........the trend is clear:  all over the world,  with the Kathmandu earthquake just last night,  the poor defenseless huddled masses,  the untermenschen are being exterminated due to the Obama Administration's stubborn desire to kill and keep killing with drones which,  of course,  has set a dangerously genocidal precedent.)

GOLDEN STATE -12 over New Orleans(Lose 106-99)

WIZARDS +4 over Raptors(Win 93-86)


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