Sunday, May 06, 2012

BALTIMORE ORIOLES(Hunter) +135 over Boston Red Sox(Buchholz)------The Red Sox offense is, and has been,  better than the Orioles'.   But neither Buchholz nor his team have earned a "favorite status" in this matchup.   Hunter looks,  based on the current season's experience,  to have a better chance of having a good game than Buchholz who is walking 1 every 2 innings.(Win 9-6.....after going 5 for 8 with 2 HR's,  JJ Hardy guns the potential winning run on the relay at the plate allowing Adam Jones to get the GWHR and Chris Davis to get,  after going 0 for 8 striking out 5 times,  the W coming out of the bullpen working the 16th and 17th innings while striking out 2)


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