ARKANSAS RAZORBACKS +4 over South Carolina Gamecocks parlayed with MICHIGAN WOLVERINES -2.5 over Penn State Nittany Lions-------Arkansas has home-off-road-loss and the revenge. They've played TXAM who is pretty good and they were -2TO against them. SC has played Georgia. They're the Game-Cocks and.........Carlos Estevez is now appearing in theaters as President Rathcock. Hmmmm. Carlos Beltran did FUCK us last night. That's true. Estevez..........did a good and heroic thing for us in his "Torpedo" of animation against Warner Brothers, er, he sued them didn't he? Any agent of hostility against Warner Brothers is certainly a friend of our(I hope we don't have to just KILL Warner Brothers because of their failure to pay their Harry Potter debt to me. But it could happen: We COULD kill them and, for that, we need every murderous, mind-blown mercenary we can get our hands on. But GameCocks.......that's a little different than the movie name; I'll take the Revenge and the home field. I see Michigan as "having been tested"; I think, for that, they're "readier" although you could make the argument that they suck because Akron and UConn do. This is about "unlocking" potential that has............been, shall we say, "lying dormant" in Michigan. PSU's strength of schedule has been nothing to brag about and their QB is name CHRISTIAN!!!!! Now how the fuck...........look, did you hear about those Jew kids in Israel who are desecrating those Christian cemeteries? How about those Baptists killed in that bus crash or that pastor shot dead in church in Lake Charles, Louisiana? Look, fuck Christianity and FUCK the Damn Ball Coach. You do agree that many historical crimes have been perpetrated in the name of Christianity, right? Those needles that they stuck in my fucking hip bone when I had leukemia...........what the fuck do you think that was? No, really with all those fucking Jews in my neighborhood and my goddamn BORN AGAIN CHRISTIAN paternal grandmother giving me all that fucking spiritual abuse. WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK THAT WAS???? Listen to me you fucking asshole, before you say "later-day crucifixion" let me tell you about the stories of the past: A lot of them are.............kind of "painful". And that fucking Christain shit..........where do you think that came from, you know, originally? JUDAEA. Right? Well FUCK THAT SHIT. Fuck. Them. All. Fuck Christians and FUCK Jews!!! Fuck 'em all. I am SICK of their fucking shit and I wanna fucking kill all of them. Dead. Murdered. Shot. Cut up. FUCK THEM ALL. I don't wanna hear it: Motherfucker says "La", that's it: Cut off his fucking head.
IT HAS NOT EXACTLY BEEN a 'PLEASURE' GETTING ROBBED OF ALL MY DREAMS, HEALTH, LIFE AND MONEY by your FUCKING JEW STORIES. So fuck. Burn all the goddamn Bibles and shoot all the fucking clergy.(Lose 52-7 and 43-40.......Don't even go to Arkansas. Wish I could say something about that Webb Hubbell nigger-lipped state but.......Now, being an anti-christian man, I CAN'T SAY IT! )
IT HAS NOT EXACTLY BEEN a 'PLEASURE' GETTING ROBBED OF ALL MY DREAMS, HEALTH, LIFE AND MONEY by your FUCKING JEW STORIES. So fuck. Burn all the goddamn Bibles and shoot all the fucking clergy.(Lose 52-7 and 43-40.......Don't even go to Arkansas. Wish I could say something about that Webb Hubbell nigger-lipped state but.......Now, being an anti-christian man, I CAN'T SAY IT! )
It must suck to be you. If I had that kind of hatred, I would just kill myself. Better than thinking about killing as many people as you are.
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