USA win or draw (-120) against Belgium(Win 0-0)
MICHAEL BRADLEY anytime goal (+650)(Lose)
MICHAEL BRADLEY 1st goal (+1600)--------Notice the Mariners yesterday in a 10-4 win{di Maria didn't just score that did he? Yup he did......Angel di Maria, ok.}......Mike Zunino an HR with 3RBI and Michael Saunders and HR.......Oh, but there was more: James Jones 4-5..........and USA has the double-J Jones. Well, I'll bet this is the day that Bradley stops flubbing scoring opportunities.(Lose)
MICHAEL BRADLEY anytime goal (+650)(Lose)
MICHAEL BRADLEY 1st goal (+1600)--------Notice the Mariners yesterday in a 10-4 win{di Maria didn't just score that did he? Yup he did......Angel di Maria, ok.}......Mike Zunino an HR with 3RBI and Michael Saunders and HR.......Oh, but there was more: James Jones 4-5..........and USA has the double-J Jones. Well, I'll bet this is the day that Bradley stops flubbing scoring opportunities.(Lose)
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