Thursday, June 19, 2014

WHITE SOX(Quintana) -107 over Twins(Pino)----Quintana coming off 2 rockings...........he has NOT tended to win at 3-7..........his 1st start of the season he gave up 5 Run,  but only 2ERs,  to the Twins.   We'll give him a chance today with the Sox having won their last 2 with a combined 15 runs of offense(could they be starting a run?).   Looks like Pino's first MLB start here.......Quintero scored a goal in Colombia's World Cup win today so........maybe that would help Quintana.(Lose 4-2..........not enough offense by White Sox)

HOUSTON ASTROS(Mchugh) +153 over Tampa Bay Rays(Archer)----After going on a 14-5 run,  Houston is now only 1-4 over its last 5.   Mchugh,  we could say,  has the Pitcher Revenge against Tampa and.............he's been pretty hard to hit this year.   Astros' offense has recovered to become rather respectable of late and they've actually won more games now than the Rays have.(Lose earned runs allowed by Mchugh but......3 TOTAL HITS BY ASTROS!   SUCK.)

SAN DIEGO PADRES(Hahn) -139 over Seattle Mariners(Ramirez)(Win 4-1..........Maybin 2-3)


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