Saturday, March 03, 2007

San Antonio Houston OVER 177 (187.5) REST2 (Lose by 6....absolutely PATHETIC performance by the Rockets, and a sick 31 pts scored in the 4th could this game go so wrong.....Rockets cant fucking shoot.)
Knicks Atlanta OVER 192 (195.5) REST2 (Win by 12)
Detroit Memphis OVER 198 (197.5) REST2 (Lose by 17.....a pathological display of poor shooting in the 3rd quarter.....what was it? like 12 consecutive missed shots in the 3rd quarter.....I'm fucking disgusted)
Sacramento Portland OVER 201 (197) REST3 (Lose by 1......what a sick, perverted joke....they scored 108 points in the first happened?)

Well, whatever, I'll still take a 17-5 run. Baseball will be here soon and BCLI will show you how to make some real money. Odd how when the market first cracked, tv heads were saying "Don't panic" and maintaining their bullishness. After all, this was only a "3.5% correction" which was overdue due to ZERO volatility since last August. Now, today, on Monday morning, I see people on FOX being "non-bullish", saying "it depends what your time-frame is". Hmmmmm. I remember chatting on the JDSU board sometime around the turn of the millenium and asking "what if tech becomes trash again?" After getting laughed at by some of the most conceited, arrogant, nouveau-riche brats I've ever heard on the internet, one of them responded with "maybe over the short-term you're right.....but I'm putting JDSU in my IRA." Sure, I had made money being long JDSU, like everyone else, it was the hottest stock. But there's usually two sides to every market story. And when it pours, its usually because it has started to rain first.
In other words, for a long time(and I predict we'll hear more about this soon) the stock market hasnt really dealt with the fact that America exports nothing but debt now. The dollar market, well, yeah, IT has: the dollar index is making new lows. I think markets have a suspicious way of predicting (and causing) what they are theoretically supposed to respond to. (See the Sorosian concept of "reflexivity").
To be clear, BCLI is saying that there WILL be a recession and this recent DOW decline will be altogether a prelude, precursor, predictor, agent and cause of the coming recession. And yes, in late October BCLI called for a "black monday". The market stubbornly ignored this call and continued its ascent. And that's why market crashes have to happen. When the market doesnt check-down when it should, it builds up "wrongness" which must be cathartically expunged at some point in the future.
What HAPPENED during the last 6 months of market action? Real corporate earnings? Or a natural conspiracy of greed between hedge funds, Goldman Sachs and institutional investors? To me, it seemed "blow-offy". But that's just from looking at the chart.
I reiterate, WAIT! I just heard it on CNBC: people should be "reassessing their expectations". This from the same mouth that said "we like the fundamentals" just a moment before. What IS this? "Reflexivity", probably, whatever that is. As i was saying, I reiterate, the DOW needs to get down fast and bounce hard. If it does the opposite: slow, lurching unravelling as people "reassess".........not just their expectations, but their faith in America's "great", "healthy" economy, well, if it does that, selling everything now would be, ummmm, advantageous.


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